Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Remember When

So 11pm at the airport leaves you with time on your hands. That time leads me to think of simpler times. Remember when you used to be able to watch the planes take off from inside the airport. I remember going to the airport and watching my dad or my grandparents take off in the plane and waving out the big windows just knowing they saw us. Now here I sit; blogging on the airports free WiFi, Graham listening to his iPod and me uploading pictures from my jump/flash/thumb drive. Who thought those words would ever be in our vocabulary and pertain to the computer? There is something to be said for simpler times.

Not the only 30 year old...

I realized when I was packing tonight and making my bed before we left for the airport that I am not the only thing in my home that has been around and with me for thirty years. To some of you this will look familiar...to others it might look down right odd. But to me, it is comfort. This is the baby blanket that I was brought home from the hospital in. It is yellow with bunnies on it. There are a couple of stories surrounding the blanket but the one that I like to believe is that my mom made the blanket and then wrapped me up in it and took me home from the hospital 12 hours after having me. It is the longest thing that I have kept and I still tend to take it every where...not without some banter from friends and family. Thirty long years together and many more to go.

Goodbye 29, Hello 30!

Well...30 came in with a bang this morning! Graham was leaving for work, I had just gotten out of the shower. He goes out to the garage to leave and then comes back in and says, "Put some shoes on, I want you to see something." So I take the towel off of my head, put on my boots and my coat and head out into the garage. It started with a few papers on the car.

Then there was a clever little song...although I put it in the wrong order in the picture so use your childhood memories to figure it out.

Then Graham closed the garage to show me the rest of the song. The rest you can see for yourself. I am not sure who the little elf was that left this gift, but thank you! I can't believe that thirty is actually here. You know, typing the whole word out looks a lot better than actually seeing the number in writing!
Isn't Santa adorable? Who ever did this is a pretty good artist!