Saturday, May 21, 2011

Projects and Trips

I admit I am not great at blogging. In fact, I have contemplated getting the book "Blogging for Dummies" so I can have cute backgrounds and perfectly laid out pictures and captions like so many of you! So if you want to share with me your insight (I'm being serious) please let me know and we can sit down for a minute and I can try and learn!

Caveat: There is going to be a lot of pictures, you don't have to look at all of them but they are there if you want to.

Anyway, in February Graham had to go to Pasadena for work and so we made it a vacation and my sister and her husband went with us and we had an absolute blast!

Medieval Times show and dinner. Our knight didn't win...but it was fun anyway!

I'm trying to get better at photography and am not sure exactly what this picture represents.

It was so beautiful and solidified for me that I need to live near the ocean, I just love it!

Outside Disneyland we went to the Lego store and HAD to take a picture with Darth Vader!

So this next picture is of Easter time. For Easter in Relief Society I made these cute little chick cupcakes for all of the women. I made about 50 of them...the idea is from the blog Our Best Bites, it is awesome!

I'll have to admit definitely looks like they are staring you down!!

The next little trip that we got to take was to Portland, OR...again for Graham's work. I have a grandpa, aunt, uncle and cousins that live there and we had a really great time seeing them. We took a couple of pictures of the Portland temple while we were there. It is beautiful!

Last but not least are the newest ventures in our lives. I finally got the garden planted after tons of cold weather here in Utah and after having a wonderful lesson in gardening. This is the basil currently...hopefully it will be much taller and more plentiful in the next month or so!

And the most fun thing...we are finishing our basement. Before we started there were basically just the concrete walls. We have now had it framed, got new windows and are working on the electric. To some of you this just looks like a mess, but to me it looks like doubling our living space.

> If you have made it to this point, congratulations! Pat yourself on the back and have a great day!